Saturday, May 2, 2009

Maranatha Soccer Ministry

Everyone in Ometepec loves soccer! Because of this the Maranatha Soccer Ministry has been able to plant the Seed in the hearts of many. The Maranatha Soccer Ministry is a unique door to the Gospel.

In Mexico and especially Ometepec, soccer is a big deal. Mexico has its own national league and everyone you talk to has a favorite national team. I have never been to place in Mexico where its people don't play pick up soccer games in the afternoon. Every afternoon in Ometepec, you can find more than 100 people playing soccer. The sports center in Ometepec is one of the most popular places in town. There are more than three different leagues in Ometepec. Soccer in Mexico is a dig deal.

Often in churches there are many more women and children than there are men and young men. Where are these men and young men? Out playing soccer or at home watching soccer. How can one reach out to them? By getting involved in soccer.

From Wood Family Ministry In Ometepc Gro. Mexico

The Vision of the Maranatha Soccer Ministry is just that: Reaching passionate, skilled, athletic men. This last season Maranatha had a Veterans team (Tim played on this team) a First division team (Nate and Josh played on this team) a Second division team (Andy played on this team) a High School team and a Children team. Many men played this season on the Marantha teams and through these teams have had contact with the amazing life changing message of the Gospel. The Gospel message is spread on these teams at half time with a small devotional thought, before the game with a prayer, through one day outings but mostly through the loving, geunine interest of the coach (Poli) and director (Tim) in the lives of the Maranatha players and their determination to play clean and play right.

From Club Maranata

Please pray for more staff in the Maranatha Soccer Ministry, wisdom for the staff involved, the response of the players to the message of the gospel and the commitment of the players to the Maranatha teams.

From Club Maranata